LLC "SANO" is a branch company of CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" which is a multi-profile, stable and dynamically developing enterprise, one of the leaders of textile and jeans producers, operating in Tajikistan and the world market.
CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" includes more than 24 companies from various fields of industry and services. The list of products manufactured at the corporation's plants and factories includes alcoholic beverages, fabrics, ready-made garments, as well as construction materials, natural stone products and quartz sand. In addition, the corporation is actively extracting minerals from Agajol (marble), West Tekeli (conglomerates), Kurganchi (quartz sand) and other deposits.
Please visit our main webpage https://kamolikhujandi.tj/ for more information about our all enterprises.
One of the fields of activity of CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" is foreign trade. We import flour, cereals, wood, metal products from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
The company's products comply and meet all requirements imposed by the State Standard of the Republic of Tajikistan to such kind of products, which is confirmed by appropriate certificates.
Director of LLC SANO: Zulola ANVAR
"The best organizational systems have been created in here - in the majority of companies producing products, providing world-class services and in the best scientific organizations.
We will continue to work on what we have been doing successfully while maintaining a stable economy."
"We want to offer the best to the consumer, it is necessary always to go along with technological progress and moreover to become its engine ourselves. This is exactly what LLC SANO aspires to do."
The company started its activity in 1996 and in short period of time it raised its production to the level of the leading enterprises of the industry. Closeness to the Tajik consumer and understanding of his needs is our competitive advantage.
In 2017, implementing the orders of the President and the Chamber of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan, we hired more than 400 new employees and reemployed more than 500 specialists. In total, our plants and factories of CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" employ more than 2,100 workers and employees of various specialties.
In 2021, the Company celebrated its 17th anniversary. Over the years, new enterprises have been opened and previously idle ones have been revived. The newest industrial equipment was installed at the plants and factories of the Company, and the products meet modern requirements and quality standards.
Today CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" is:
- 25 production enterprises
- 2500 qualified employees
- 500 names of products
- 500 mln. products per year
The principle of our work
- A team approach to every aspect of production;
- support for the continuous development of our employees;
- reliability in partnership and business relationships;
- responsibility to work;
- developing, changing and setting new goals.
CJSC "Kamoli Khujandi Corporation" is open for cooperation with all interested companies, organizations and private entrepreneurs.